Best In Show, Class In Show & Best In Group
See Sponsors Page for sponsor donated BOB prizes

Murrumbateman is located on the Barton Highway between Canberra and Yass. See Murrumbateman on Google maps.

It is requested that exhibitors do not attempt to set up until rings and walkways have been finalised and Rings properly identified.
It is expected this will not occur before 4.00 pm on Thursday, but delays may occur, and if such is the case, the Club would appreciate your understanding and we apologise in advance for any inconvenience.
The 2017 All Breeds shows where a huge success.
The Yass District Kennel & Training Club would like to thank you for your exhibit entries and hope to see you at our next shows.
The club would like to thank all the stewards, volunteers who helped set the rings up, vendors & caterers who helped with the show.
Results for 2017
Dog & Handler Saturday during lunch.
$50.00 Second Prize
$25.00 Third Prize
Sponsors of Fancy Dress Dog & Handler
Dog & Handler Saturday during lunch.
If you think you have what it takes to remove the title off last years winner.

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